Comparison between Scrivener and Ulysses

October 11, 2021

Comparison between Scrivener and Ulysses

Writing software has revolutionized the way people write and edit documents. It has now become essential for writers to have a tool that not only eases their workflow but also enhances their creativity. Scrivener and Ulysses are two of the most popular writing software in the market. In this post, we will compare these software and help you decide which one is the best fit for you.


Scrivener was released in 2007 and has since become a go-to software for novelists and professional writers. It’s a feature-packed software that aims to cater to all writing styles. Scrivener is available for both Windows and macOS, priced at $49 for the former and $45 for the latter.


Scrivener has a vast variety of features, including:

  • Outlining and planning tools
  • A full-screen mode for reducing distractions
  • Auto-save features
  • Multiple folders and documents
  • Customizable templates
  • Now includes a Scrivenings navigation feature for better navigation
  • Over 100 templates for different types of writing


Scrivener has an impressive feature set and works well with any writing genre. It’s fully customizable, and writers have access to a wide variety of templates to choose from. It's an excellent tool for writers who need deep organization tools combined with editor features.


With so many features, Scrivener can be overwhelming for beginners, and the learning curve can prove challenging for some. Some of the formatting may not work well if you import or export from other file formats.


Ulysses is a minimalistic software that aims at keeping the workflow simple and efficient. The software was launched in 2003 and is available for macOS and iOS, and subscriptions start at $4.99 a month or $39.99 a year.


Ulysses has an extensive list of features, including:

  • Markdown formatting
  • Built-in grammar and spell checker
  • Dark mode
  • Simple file structure
  • Integrations with cloud services
  • Statistics for document word counts, etc
  • Auto-save feature


The user interface of Ulysses is clean and intuitive. It works well with its focus on a clean writing interface, making it an ideal tool for writers who want to write without distractions. The built-in grammar and spell checker also make it easier for writers to get feedback on their work.


It has fewer features than Scrivener, which can be a drawback for some writers. The subscription-based model may also not be ideal for writers on a tight budget. The software doesn't have pre-designed templates, which can be disappointing for some.


Features Scrivener Ulysses
Platforms supported Windows, macOS macOS, iOS
Price $49 (Windows), $45 (Mac) $4.99/month, $39.99/year
Outlining and planning tools Yes No
Full-screen mode Yes Yes
Auto-save features Yes Yes
Multiple folders and documents Yes Yes
Customizable templates Yes No
Markdown formatting No Yes
Grammar and spell-checker Yes (limited) Yes
Dark mode Yes Yes
Pre-designed templates Yes No


Both Scrivener and Ulysses are excellent writing software that caters to different needs. For writers who want to have access to a wide variety of features and organization tools, Scrivener is the ideal choice. However, if you want a straightforward software that keeps your workflow simple and efficient, Ulysses is an excellent option. Ultimately, it depends on your writing requirements and personal preference.

So, there you have it, a fair and unbiased comparison guide between Scrivener and Ulysses.


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